Support Your Library


We accept…

Donations of new or gently used books, DVDs, CDs, or Audiobooks.

Monetary gifts toward the purchase of a book, audiobook, CD or DVD to
be placed in the library in memory/honor of a loved one; A
special personalized name plaque will be placed on the inside cover of
the book.

Monetary donations – Monetary donations will be used to help support the Bicknell and Sandborn Library.
These donations will be used to purchase new materials, furniture, toys, prizes, or to help fund future programs, such as the Summer Reading Program.


Volunteers are greatly appreciated, especially during program time. If you wish to volunteer your time at the Library, please contact Director Caleb Sydow, or Assistant Director Hayley Daniels. Their information can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ tab.

Community Service:

If you find yourself in need of performing Community Service, the Bicknell Library is happy to offer you that opportunity. Just like with Volunteering, please contact Director Caleb Sydow, or Assistant Director Hayley Daniels. Their information can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ tab.

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